busted in spanish
1 break destrozar escacharrar Sp IDIOMS to bust a gut echar los bofes IDIOMS to bust ones ass US ir de culo 2 Police arrest agarrar trincar Sp raid hacer una redada en the police busted him for drugs la policía lo agarró por cuestión de drogas la policía lo trincó por cuestión de drogas Sp. Rompí la cerradura de la puerta al intentar abrirla. Speaking Latino Beginning Of The Year Kit For Spanish Teachers Puerto Rico Spanish Phrases Spanish Slang My favorite bag is busted on the bottomEstoy tan deprimida. . Collect the vocabulary that you want to remember while using the dictionary. The items that you have collected will be displ. Get busted Got me Busted me Cought caught me out He got busted He went nuts and busted the computer Hit the ground and busted wide open Id Gotten my tail busted Jimmy shoes busted both his legs large chested large busted or large boobed regular busted doll restaurant was busted she was all busted up more. ...